版画工房の仕事 -板津石版画工房-
2016年4月8日[金]- 5月29日[日]
■ 5月8日 14:00~ ★特別イベント 板津石版画工房によるワークショップ(要予約)

宮嶋葉一、佐々木美穂子、佐藤克久、三井田盛一郎、小林孝亘、西島直紀、宮寺雷太、David Nixon、高倉吉規、林武史、矢倉屋佳弥、戸川英夫、Richard Gorman、舟越直木、大原知沙、太田麻里、森本太朗、Felicia & Patrick、Sangeeta Sandrasegar、Sarah Harvy、O Jun、池奈千江、井上実、佐々木健、高木大地 、田口美穂、横山奈美、小林耕平、 高柳恵里、 南条嘉穀、前田哲明、岡田和枝、末永史尚、ジャンボスズキ、高浜利也 、町野三佐紀などの石版画(リトグラフ)

板津石版画工房 板津 悟
Itazu Litho-Grafik “Footprints”
April 8 (Fri) – May 29 (Sun) 2016
10:00 – 18:00 (Last admission 17:30)
Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays
600 yen for adults
500 yen for students
300 yen for elementary school students
The present exhibition is a second one in the series of exhibitions featuring print studios working with various artists. The previous one in 2015 featured Okabe Print Editions.
This time, Museum Haus Kasuya cooperates with Itazu Litho-Grafik and present their works in last 3 years and introduces their history.
Since foundation of the studio in 1987, Satoru Itazu, a representative, does not just print by request, but looks for artists to collaborate with and supports them for producing more appealing artworks. Itazu is also in charge of sale of the works.
One of advantages of print works is relative affordability compared to one-of-a-kind works such as tableaux. Among others, lithography has a further advantage in direct expression by virtue of original plates directly produced from artists’ drawings.
In the present exhibition, original lithographs by more than 35 artists of different generations and different styles are presented. Exhibited works are for sale.
Exhibited lithographs include works of:
Yoichi Miyajima, Mihoko Sasaki, Katsuhisa Sato, Seiichiro Miida, Takanobu Kobayashi, Naoki Nishijima, Raita Miyadera, David Nixon, Yoshinori Takakura, Takeshi Hayashi, Kaya Yaguraya, Hideo Togawa, Richard Gorman, Naoki Funakoshi, Chisa Ohara, Mari Ota, Taro Morimoto, Felicia & Patrick, Sangeeta Sandrasegar, Sarah Harvy, O Jun, Nachie Ike, Minoru Inoue, Ken Sasaki, Daichi Takagi, Miho Taguchi, Nami Yokoyama, Kohei Kobayashi, Eri Takayanagi, Yoshitaka Nanjo, Noriaki Maeda, Kazue Okada, Fuminao Suenaga, Jumbo Suzuki, Toshiya Takahama, Misaki Machino
Satoru Itazu (Itazu Litho-Grafik)
Born in 1958 in Gifu Prefecture, Japan
At the age of 21, Itazu started studying painting in a University in Seattle, then moved into printing and trained at Tamarind Lithography Workshop.
After returning to Japan, he founded Itazu Litho-Grafik in 1987 and has produced numerous works in collaboration with domestic and international artists.
Their production scenes are available from youtube.
Translation by Miho Ida