2013年7月19日[金]- 8月25日[日]
入館料/通常料金 500円
■ 8月7日(水)14:00~ 納涼ワインパーティ
はぐらかすつもりはないけれど、作品について何か述べるなら遠回しにこんな話から何かを感じてもらうほかないだろう。 ”見える”ことの不思議を感じない人は、”ある(この世界が、自分が)”ということの不思議さえいつの間にか忘れてしまう。誰だって子供のころはこの不思議な感覚に夢中だったはずなのに。
( 丸亀ひろや)

HIROYA MARUGAME ”Even knowing the bird’s name,”
July 19 (Fri) – August 25 (Sun) 2013
10:00 – 18:00 (Last admission 17:30)
Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays
Admission : 500 yen
Even knowing the bird’s name,
I once heard on the radio about a bird I didn’t know. They said that birds are often named after characteristics of their appearance or voice, and the bird they were talking about was called “crowned crying bird”. The name was engraved on my memory even without knowledge of its appearance and voice.
The idea of “a bird only with a name” may be somewhat opposite to the expression “a flower without a name”. I found the way of existing funny and curious.
I do not mean to detour, but, to explain my works, there is no other way but telling such a story. One who ignores the wonder of view will soon forget the wonder of existence (of the world and self). Everyone must have been keen on this strange sensation in childhood, though.
(Hiroya Marugame)
Translation by Miho Ida