Abraham David Christian
2022年9月17日[土]- 11月20日[日]
主催:カスヤの森現代美術館 協力:横田茂ギャラリー
■ 当館では現在、国、県からの要請を遵守し、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止策を講じた上で平常通り開館しております。
■ 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のため、会期等が変更となる場合がございます。詳細につきましては、美術館までお問い合わせください。

5年に一度開催され、世界的に注目される現代美術の国際展のひとつであるドクメンタにハラルド・ゼーマンの選出により19歳で参加。(ドクメンタ5 / 1972年)翌年のデュッセルドルフ美術館での初個展以降、ドイツやアメリカ、日本など世界各地で活躍。

Abraham David Christian
September 17 (Sat) – November 20 (Sun) 2022
10:00 – 17:30 (Last admission 17:00)
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
800 yen for adults
600 yen for students
400 yen for elementary school students
Organized by Museum Haus Kasuya in collaboration with SHIGERU YOKOTA GALLERY.
■ We are open as normal with countermeasures against COVID-19 in accordance with the government and local requests.
■ Exhibition schedule is subject to change in response to the evolving COVID-19 situation. Please contact us for further information.
Abraham David Christian (born in 1952) is one of the leading sculptors in Germany. At the age of 19, he was selected by Harald Szeemann for Documenta, which is a quinquennial international modern art exhibition attracting worldwide attention (Documenta 5, 1972). Since his first solo exhibition was held at Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf the following year, he has been active worldwide including Germany, U.S., and Japan.
The artist is currently based in Germany and Japan (Hayama, Kanagawa) to create distinct sculptures, drawings, and the like high in spirituality through actively seizing various cultural influences and assimilating elements of Africal primitive art and oriental Buddhist art.
In the present exhibition, Abraham David Christian’s bronze sculptures from 1980s and oil stick drawings are on display. Simple and primitive forms in his artworks establish the modern and universal perspective with timeless importance.